Wake up every day feeling excited, grateful, and like a weight has been lifted from you.


Together, we’ll get to the root cause of the symptoms related to your persistent anger, anxiety and stress, and reframe the beliefs holding you back.


How great would this feel? 

Imagine starting each day with the confidence that your body and mind were at their best. That you could live each day fully and completely, finding joy in the smallest moments. That you were not only capable of achieving your dreams, but deserving of them too. 

 Instead, persistent anger, anxiety and stress are stealing your joy. 

You try to shut them out, but they keep manifesting in different ways, such as: 

→ Reactive outbursts - More often than not, you feel on edge and get easily irritated with the others around you. Your close relationships have been affected and sometimes it feels like you are hanging by a thread.

 → Low energy – You rarely make plans, because you simply don’t have the energy to commit to them. You can’t remember the last time you had a full, uninterrupted night of sleep, which only adds to your fatigue and irritability. 

→ Excessive worry – You try to stay positive, but overwhelming thoughts and anxiety often consume you. You wish you could be one of those people who breezes through life with a laid-back attitude, but your busy mind won’t have any part of it. 

→ Sadness & negative self-talk – Perhaps worst of all, you struggle with overwhelming feelings of sadness, guilt, or fear of what's next or not ever living the life you want. Life often feels like a constant barrage of negative thoughts. 

Regular physical pain – You are noticing more and more that this persistent anger and anxiety is affecting you physically. Headaches, migraines, muscle tension and jaw clenching are becoming a consistent part of your day to day life. This makes it hard to get out of bed or do the simplest of chores. You often avoid activities you enjoyed in the past, because it’s just easier that way.


Here’s the kicker. 

You’ve tried really hard to do this on your own -but you just can’t seem to get to the other side of this problem.

And you’re SO ready for a solution.



There’s another way to address these issues: 


Mindset coaching works with the underlying patterns related to persistent anger, anxiety, and chronic stress. 

It helps you identify and release emotions, interrupt unhelpful thought patterns, and reframe beliefs that are impacting your mental and physical health that have been holding you back from living your best life.


As your 1:1 coach,

I’ll empower you to transform your mindset and break free from the symptoms of persistent anger, stress, and anxiety.

I’ll also guide you in awakening the knowledge your mind already has within you to create change. 

This change can be a reduction in your reactive outbursts, physical symptoms, excessive worrying and sadness.


Here’s How it Works:


We’ll connect (over the phone) for a quick chat to see if we’re a good fit. 

 STEP 2: 

Once we know the fit is right, you’ll schedule four weeks of 1:1 coaching sessions with me. Each session will last 2.5 hours, for a total of 10 hours. This will give us time to really dive in and not feel rushed.

Tasking will be sent 10 days prior to your first session, which will include recordings I make for you such as meditations, hypnotherapy, various tools for your toolbox and clarity regarding the techniques. These recordings will be yours to keep for future use.

You’ll also have access to email support in between sessions.

 STEP 3:

A month after your last session, we’ll have a 30-45 minute check-in call to make sure you’re on track. I’ll also answer any new questions that may have come up for you. 

 Investment in yourself: $1,800. 

During our time together, I’ll … 

Help you get to the root of your problem.  

I’ll ask you several questions to understand your struggles. As this is all about helping YOU, you’ll do most of the talking. “Getting to the root” shouldn’t be confused with talk therapy or rehashing past events over and over again. It just means uncovering what you may be holding onto unconsciously and bringing it to the surface so it can be addressed and released.

Incorporate a variety of coaching techniques. 

Some of our sessions may consist of NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnotherapy. These coaching techniques will allow your body and nervous system to move into a state of relaxation, rest, and digestion. Only in this state can true healing occur.

Give you some reflective homework.  

I’ll assign some tasks for you to complete outside of our sessions, which will contribute heavily to change work. This could be anything from meditation to a journal entry to making shifts in your daily routine. As all of my coaching is personalized, the tasking can vary from client to client.

Get ready to feel …  

 ✔ Empowered, knowing you have the tools within you to overcome any of life's challenges. 

✔ Like you’re flowing with life, versus pushing upstream against physical and emotional pain. 

✔ Grateful, joyful, and appreciative of all the little things in your world.  

 ✔ Free from the baggage of the past, looking to your future with hope and excitement.

"If I hire a mindset coach, does that mean the problem is just in my head?”

Nope! Your physical symptoms of stress, anger and anxiety are VERY REAL. I’ll never second-guess that.

But what people often fail to realize is that there’s a direct connection between emotional and physical pain. There’s no separation between our mind and body.

Typically, if someone experiences emotional pain , they also experience physical pain , and vice versa. 

 That’s why it’s so important to work through both. 


Physiology and emotions are intertwined,

mindset coaching helps bridge the gap.


The emotional and physical symptoms felt with persistent anger, anxiety and chronic stress are an alarm from the brain, warning you that something is off and needs to be addressed. The bell will continue to ring until it is paid attention too. The alarm isn’t the problem; avoiding its warning is.

Mindset Coaching is for you if…….

  • You are ready for an alternative approach to your problems.

  • You want to understand why you have been getting the results you have.

  • You are willing to address and change old ways of thinking.

  • You are open to new tools and techniques that are based on using your active imagination.

  • You are committed to dedicating the time and energy to solve your problems.

  • You are prepared to take direction from a coach.

  • You want to release the past and move forward.

  • You are eager to start living a life by design vs default.

Have Questions? I’ve got answers!

  • Your mindset is your attitudes, patterns of thinking, beliefs, and how you make sense of the world. These are formed throughout life, but are mostly developed in your younger years. These beliefs and attitudes will influence the way you feel, and those feelings will define your behaviors.

    These beliefs are held in your unconscious mind, and more than likely, you aren’t aware of what they are or how they’re directing your life.

    We’ll work together to uncover these unconscious beliefs, patterns, emotions, and attitudes. I’ll also use techniques to reframe, release, break patterns, and shift your emotional state.

  • I won’t solve your problems for you, but I’ll guide you into solving them for yourself. You may not realize it yet, but you have the answers within you. I’ll show you the skills to find them, but you also need to be 100% committed to showing up, being honest, and doing the work.

  • While all of my clients have experienced freedom or reduction from pain, I can’t guarantee your results. However, please feel free to scan my client testimonials to learn more about services. Also, every tool I use with my coaching clients, I use to improve myself.

  • Hopefully, highly enjoyable! I create a safe space for you (and all of my clients) so you can be free to be yourself without fear of judgement. I’m also big on creating personalized experiences. Emotional and physical pain is different for everyone and personal to you. So, I’ll meet you where you’re at and create sessions unique to your needs.

  • Nope! This work is a complementary intervention to therapy.
    For any clients who are currently working with a medical provider regarding issues you are seeking coaching for, I ask that you contact them and request consent that acknowledges their support of you working with a Mindset Coach that utilizes stress management techniques and guided imagery to assist you on your journey. It's important to inform these professionals that you are seeking a complementary intervention so they can support your progress in a way that is safe, healthy and positive.

    If you are not currently working with a medical professional, I will refer out if I find that the issues we are working on are out of my scope of practice.

  • I am a Master Practitioner of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy ®. I am also a member in good standing of the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), Member of the American Board of NLP, Member of the American Board of NLP Coach.

  • Nope! Coaching can be done over ZOOM or in person at my Lakeville office.

Ready to live a

more fulfilling


joyful life, 
where anger and anxiety isn’t

your default? 


Let’s address your mindset, improve your healing, 
and create a life you love
waking up to.